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这项工作旨在在防御柜台(DCA)任务的背景下提供超出视觉范围(BVR)空战的参与决策支持工具。在BVR AIR作战中,接合判决是指通过假设令人反感的姿态和执行相应的演示来选择导频的时刻。为了模拟这一决定,我们使用巴西空军航空航天仿真环境(\ {Ambiente de Simula \ C {C} \〜a \〜a \〜ao ao aeroispacial - Asa}在葡萄牙语中,它产生了3,729个建设性模拟,每个建设性模拟持续12分钟,总共10,316场比赛。我们通过称为DCA指数的操作性标准分析了所有样本,这些标准基于主题专家的经验,这类使命的成功程度代表。该公制考虑了同一团队和对方团队的飞机的距离,对抗空气巡逻的点以及所使用的导弹数。通过在整个参与过程中开始和DCA指数的平均值之前定义参与状态,我们创建了一个监督的学习模型,以确定新的参与的质量。一种基于决策树的算法,与XGBoost库一起使用,提供了一种回归模型,以预测具有接近0.8的确定系数的DCA索引和0.05的根均方误差,可以为BVR飞行员提供参数以决定是否或不要搞。因此,使用通过仿真获得的数据,这项工作通过基于BVR Air战斗的机器学习构建决策支持系统而有贡献。
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肺癌是最致命的癌症之一,部分诊断和治疗取决于肿瘤的准确描绘。目前是最常见的方法的人以人为本的分割,须遵守观察者间变异性,并且考虑到专家只能提供注释的事实,也是耗时的。最近展示了有前途的结果,自动和半自动肿瘤分割方法。然而,随着不同的研究人员使用各种数据集和性能指标验证了其算法,可靠地评估这些方法仍然是一个开放的挑战。通过2018年IEEE视频和图像处理(VIP)杯竞赛创建的计算机断层摄影扫描(LOTUS)基准测试的肺起源肿瘤分割的目标是提供唯一的数据集和预定义的指标,因此不同的研究人员可以开发和以统一的方式评估他们的方法。 2018年VIP杯始于42个国家的全球参与,以获得竞争数据。在注册阶段,有129名成员组成了来自10个国家的28个团队,其中9个团队将其达到最后阶段,6队成功完成了所有必要的任务。简而言之,竞争期间提出的所有算法都是基于深度学习模型与假阳性降低技术相结合。三种决赛选手开发的方法表明,有希望的肿瘤细分导致导致越来越大的努力应降低假阳性率。本次竞争稿件概述了VIP-Cup挑战,以及所提出的算法和结果。
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计算机愿景领域正在快速发展,特别是在神经结构设计的新方法的背景下。这些模型有助于(1)气候危机 - 增加二氧化碳排放量和(2)隐私危机 - 数据泄漏问题。为了解决经常忽视的影响计算机愿景(CV)社区对这些危机,我们概述了一个新颖的道德框架,\ Textit {P4ai}:AI的原则,是AI内伦理困境的增强原则看法。然后,我们建议使用P4AI向社区制定具体的建议,以减轻气候和隐私危机。
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气候变化仍然是一个迫在眉睫的问题,目前影响社会大。重要的是,我们作为一个社会,包括计算机愿景(CV)社区采取措施限制对环境的影响。在本文中,我们(a)分析了CV方法递减递减的效果,(b)提出了一种\ entyit {'nofade''}:一种基于新的基于熵的度量来量化模型 - 数据集 - 复杂性关系。我们表明一些简历的任务正在达到饱和度,而其他CV任务几乎完全饱和。在这种光中,Nofade允许CV社区在类似的基础上比较模型和数据集,建立不良平台。
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While the brain connectivity network can inform the understanding and diagnosis of developmental dyslexia, its cause-effect relationships have not yet enough been examined. Employing electroencephalography signals and band-limited white noise stimulus at 4.8 Hz (prosodic-syllabic frequency), we measure the phase Granger causalities among channels to identify differences between dyslexic learners and controls, thereby proposing a method to calculate directional connectivity. As causal relationships run in both directions, we explore three scenarios, namely channels' activity as sources, as sinks, and in total. Our proposed method can be used for both classification and exploratory analysis. In all scenarios, we find confirmation of the established right-lateralized Theta sampling network anomaly, in line with the temporal sampling framework's assumption of oscillatory differences in the Theta and Gamma bands. Further, we show that this anomaly primarily occurs in the causal relationships of channels acting as sinks, where it is significantly more pronounced than when only total activity is observed. In the sink scenario, our classifier obtains 0.84 and 0.88 accuracy and 0.87 and 0.93 AUC for the Theta and Gamma bands, respectively.
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Differentiable Architecture Search (DARTS) has attracted considerable attention as a gradient-based Neural Architecture Search (NAS) method. Since the introduction of DARTS, there has been little work done on adapting the action space based on state-of-art architecture design principles for CNNs. In this work, we aim to address this gap by incrementally augmenting the DARTS search space with micro-design changes inspired by ConvNeXt and studying the trade-off between accuracy, evaluation layer count, and computational cost. To this end, we introduce the Pseudo-Inverted Bottleneck conv block intending to reduce the computational footprint of the inverted bottleneck block proposed in ConvNeXt. Our proposed architecture is much less sensitive to evaluation layer count and outperforms a DARTS network with similar size significantly, at layer counts as small as 2. Furthermore, with less layers, not only does it achieve higher accuracy with lower GMACs and parameter count, GradCAM comparisons show that our network is able to better detect distinctive features of target objects compared to DARTS.
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We propose an ensemble approach to predict the labels in linear programming word problems. The entity identification and the meaning representation are two types of tasks to be solved in the NL4Opt competition. We propose the ensembleCRF method to identify the named entities for the first task. We found that single models didn't improve for the given task in our analysis. A set of prediction models predict the entities. The generated results are combined to form a consensus result in the ensembleCRF method. We present an ensemble text generator to produce the representation sentences for the second task. We thought of dividing the problem into multiple small tasks due to the overflow in the output. A single model generates different representations based on the prompt. All the generated text is combined to form an ensemble and produce a mathematical meaning of a linear programming problem.
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